Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday Five {Navigation}

Some of you {Hi Mom!} may have noticed my Friday Five posts haven't been consistent in style or format.  I originally had a very specific formula laid out.  Turns out, its not the best fit.  I would love your feed back as I continue to navigate "Friday Five" and find the right approach for me and Martha Chartreuse.



Drinks at Multnomah Whiskey Library

1.  This week I was able to share my re-cap of the PDX Bloggers Goals and Brainstorming Event on their blog!  Pop over and check out three of my takeaways!

2.  I had the opportunity to check out Multnomah Whiskey Library earlier in the week!  This place certainly lives up to the hype.  We went mid-week so the wait was short and we were seated in front of the fireplace on the dreamiest leather couch.  They have more than 1,600 types of alcohol and the list is expansive.  Drinks range in price from nine American Dollars {Paper Currency} to almost FIVE HUNDRED American Dollars {AmEX}!!

3.  A few years back my sister gave me a Kiva gift card as part of my Christmas gift.  Kiva is a international microfinance program committed to social performance.  Currently, my third loan is being repaid.  I received an email update from the recipient and was truly blown away by this program.  

4.  While I have never gotten into Late Night television, Jimmy Fallon is doing an amazing job!  Have you tuned in?  While the list of guests for his first week has been A++++ List, this sketch might be my favorite!

5.  I have had a serious sweet tooth lately.  This weekend is jam packed but I may have to carve out time to make the best chocolate chip cookies ever.  Said I.  And Deb.  And David.

1 comment:

  1. I've never been into late night shows, but with all this talk about Jimmy Fallon ruling late night television, I guess I might have to watch some sketches!

    That whiskey library would be absolutely heaven for my husband. I *want* to like it so bad, but for some reason I just can't. Maybe if I learned more about it?
