Friday, January 30, 2015

As Seen On Instagram {Cinco}

Happy Friday, lovelies! I hope you all had a wonderful week and are ready for a fun weekend. Will you be tuning into the Super Bowl? I am having a few friends over for chatting and naps...I mean to eat wings and watch the game! Wait, how is it already the Super Bowl?!?!

The fifth installment of #AsSeenOnInstagram journals my adventures right after Thanksgiving through last weekend. This includes good eats, holiday celebrations and my birthday. With a trip to Montana, snuggling up a dear friend's brand new baby and enjoying a night out with ladies I've known for nearly a decade, the last two months have been full and wonderful. This series is quickly becoming my favorite on the blog. It is such a fun way to reflect on life and just how lucky I truly am. For more current play-by-plays follow along {@merecdavison} and be sure to say hello!

Rachel and I made Scotch Eggs!

Enjoyed Chef Gregory's December Duck at Departure

Portland before the sun rises.

Little Green Pickle's Blogger Bagel Nosh!

Farewell, @PDXCarpet

Tip-Toes for the IG Shot

Cousins + Sister

At Erin's for NYE.  My Mom MADE MY SKIRT!!!

Gonzaga Game with my college roomies!


Hydrangeas for the win

Mary Ellen made my beautiful and delicious birthday cake!

Birthday Grilled Cheese Party

Woodsman Tavern is my new favorite brunch


  1. Fun fun stuff! I love how looking through my old Instagrams really brings me back to that time. Even from a year ago or something, the images are so strong to memory!

  2. I need a birthday grilled cheese party!

  3. instagram is my favorite. like suzannah said, it always transport me.

  4. Love it - and yes, instagram is so much fun. ~ Bea

  5. the cake sounds divine, must try, and maybe I'll watch the game, too

  6. So fun to look back! You have some great food & friends memories -- the best combo :)

  7. I just ate dinner, but the pictures of the food and desserts are making me hungry again!

  8. Gooooood pics! I have always wanted to try my hand at scotch eggs! and GG's duck... *drool*
