Tuesday, July 14, 2015
As I've mentioned before, my 2015 Resolution was to do, try, learn or experience something new to me every month. The first quarter of the year was focused on a lot of physical activities. For April, May and June the activities focused on emotional well-being and learning more about photography.
Salt Water Floating
Not where I went floating, but higher quality photos.
In April Erin invited me along to try out Salt Water Floating - a sensory deprivation vessel meant for relaxation and meditation. For 90-minutes I floated around in a blue chamber with twinkly stars in complete silence. I will be completely honest and tell you just how darn hard this was for me. I was alone, awake, without Netflix, music or Instagram and completely nude. For the second half I was incapable of sitting still and actually had a conversation with myself. Riveting stuff! What I learned is that relaxation for me needs to include a book, napping or binging trashy television.
A Day of Nothing
Casual times with Athena-Gram
The month of May was extremely busy for me. I had activities at least 6 nights a week. By the end of the month I was at an absolute loss regarding what I should do for my new activity. Finally, I realized the last day of the month was completely free of plans. Instead of scheduling a new activity I decided to try a 'day of nothing' and go with the flow that day. A day without commitments, activities, chores or a to-do list. It was actually really challenging for me. I woke up and had an impromptu lunch, but then struggled with how I would spend the rest of the day. I felt extremely guilty for not being productive enough. Since then I have tried to reduce the number of commitments I make and am allowing for more down time and flexibility.
Photography Classes
For Christmas my sisters and brother-in-law gave me a gift certificate to New Space Photography. I was able to take a two classes that helped me learn more about my DSLR and how to shoot in manual. Both Saturday classes, I took more than 10-pages of notes and have been practicing my skills more and more. So, in case you were wondering why the blog became more visually appealing in the last 6-weeks, thank the June activity!!
Any thoughts on what I should do next? Will July be the month I go to a bar by myself without a cell phone??