Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Hello Family & Friends!
Welcome to my blog, Martha Chartreuse!
After several months (Or maybe a year) of various friends and family suggesting, insisting and lovingly choke-holding me into starting a blog, I have taken the leap. Technically, this is my second leap. The first blog had a mediocre title & little vision, thus discouraging me from inviting all of you to read it. I made the mistake of telling some of you that I had, in fact, started a blog. For the last month I have fielded several inquiries about my first leap into blogging. Or should I say, "Failed Hop?" Before I could turn my stumbled hop into a true leap I had to overcome a several fears, concerns and my title!
To me, blogs have always seemed extremely narcissistic. It is an online outlet to let the world read about YOU (ME.) What makes a blogger so important that a space in the world wide web is devoted to whatever they want to say, whenever they want to say it and to have followers? Is it just an outlet to inform "followers" about food consumed, life questions and one more place to upload photos of adventures and every day life? After being convinced I could share recipes, stories and some of my crafts, and not being TOO self-centered, I was looking toward the edge and getting ready to jump.
It was then that I went to the film, "Julie & Julia." Without a doubt a Top 5 film for 2009. I loved this movie so much that I went twice, mastered my hollandaise sauce, & became devoted to making brussel sprouts a household favorite. This cinema delight also propelled me far, far, far away from the edge of the blogging world. After such a blockbuster hit wouldn't I be jumping on the bandwagon? A late entry into a social medium that had peaked? The person who only read the Harry Potter books AFTER the movies came out? The notion of starting a blog had died.
That was until I realized just how many weddings I would be attending in 2010. At this point I have 7 on the calendar. I am even helping out with design ideas, logistics and providing my creative input for a few. After discussing this with a close friend he recommended I focus more on my blog. Be a resource for event ideas. Highlight the best facets of all the wonderful unions I will be attending and put it into a blog. If this friend was recommending I write about weddings and events then there must still be a need. In case I didn't mention it, this friend is far ahead of the curve when it comes to technology & social networking. If he still believes in blogs then there must be a need. It was a great push to get me in the right direction. Now that I had focus I was ready. I was at & starting an account. Then, it hit me. What to name it? The first blog was simply my name. That is not creative. That is simple. Predictable. Lacking luster for the this new project. Thus, the failed hop and stumble.
After more discussion and venting my concerns about starting a blog an equation for the perfect blog name was created.
First Name of Idol + Favorite Color = Blogger Name
Martha(Stewart)+Chartreuse(The color of a great bottle of white wine)=Martha Chartreuse
I love Martha for her creativity, building an empire, pushing through her white-collar crimes & halfway house days and not apologizing for being herself (at times a bit snooty.)
I adore color. If I could, I would have a color theme in every room of my house celebrating the marriage of two unexpected shades in textures, patterns & shapes.
Ruby Red Slipper. Tangerine. Peacock Blue. Aubergine. Tiramisu Brown.
How is it possible to pick a favorite color? I finally settled on Chartreuse because of what it means to me. To me, Chartreuse is the shade of glass encasing a wonderful bottle of white wine. It may be $5 or $50--but the results are always the same. A wonderful conversation with friends filled with stories, laughter, ideas and growth. Exactly what I want this blog to be. I am sure it will have moments of narcissism, recipes you may not care to try, or an excess of nuptials & matrimonial cake. I also hope it puts a smile on your face, a few ideas and the desire to try something different.
Thank you for taking the time to read my first entry!
Welcome to my blog, Martha Chartreuse!
After several months (Or maybe a year) of various friends and family suggesting, insisting and lovingly choke-holding me into starting a blog, I have taken the leap. Technically, this is my second leap. The first blog had a mediocre title & little vision, thus discouraging me from inviting all of you to read it. I made the mistake of telling some of you that I had, in fact, started a blog. For the last month I have fielded several inquiries about my first leap into blogging. Or should I say, "Failed Hop?" Before I could turn my stumbled hop into a true leap I had to overcome a several fears, concerns and my title!
To me, blogs have always seemed extremely narcissistic. It is an online outlet to let the world read about YOU (ME.) What makes a blogger so important that a space in the world wide web is devoted to whatever they want to say, whenever they want to say it and to have followers? Is it just an outlet to inform "followers" about food consumed, life questions and one more place to upload photos of adventures and every day life? After being convinced I could share recipes, stories and some of my crafts, and not being TOO self-centered, I was looking toward the edge and getting ready to jump.

That was until I realized just how many weddings I would be attending in 2010. At this point I have 7 on the calendar. I am even helping out with design ideas, logistics and providing my creative input for a few. After discussing this with a close friend he recommended I focus more on my blog. Be a resource for event ideas. Highlight the best facets of all the wonderful unions I will be attending and put it into a blog. If this friend was recommending I write about weddings and events then there must still be a need. In case I didn't mention it, this friend is far ahead of the curve when it comes to technology & social networking. If he still believes in blogs then there must be a need. It was a great push to get me in the right direction. Now that I had focus I was ready. I was at & starting an account. Then, it hit me. What to name it? The first blog was simply my name. That is not creative. That is simple. Predictable. Lacking luster for the this new project. Thus, the failed hop and stumble.
After more discussion and venting my concerns about starting a blog an equation for the perfect blog name was created.
First Name of Idol + Favorite Color = Blogger Name
Martha(Stewart)+Chartreuse(The color of a great bottle of white wine)=Martha Chartreuse
I love Martha for her creativity, building an empire, pushing through her white-collar crimes & halfway house days and not apologizing for being herself (at times a bit snooty.)

I adore color. If I could, I would have a color theme in every room of my house celebrating the marriage of two unexpected shades in textures, patterns & shapes.
Ruby Red Slipper. Tangerine. Peacock Blue. Aubergine. Tiramisu Brown.

How is it possible to pick a favorite color? I finally settled on Chartreuse because of what it means to me. To me, Chartreuse is the shade of glass encasing a wonderful bottle of white wine. It may be $5 or $50--but the results are always the same. A wonderful conversation with friends filled with stories, laughter, ideas and growth. Exactly what I want this blog to be. I am sure it will have moments of narcissism, recipes you may not care to try, or an excess of nuptials & matrimonial cake. I also hope it puts a smile on your face, a few ideas and the desire to try something different.
Thank you for taking the time to read my first entry!
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