Simmer Pot {Easy Breezy Air Freshener}

Monday, March 31, 2014

Fried food is TASTY!!  Bacon is an oinky hug.  Curry, it is the bees knees!  Besides being delicious, what do all of these things have in common?  They stink up the house! But I love to make and eat them.  Solution??  The simmer pot!

A simmer pot can contain anything you want!  All you need is a pot, water, a stove and the produce of your choice.  Apples.  Oranges.  Rosemary.  Mint.  Limes. Cinnamon Sticks.  Rhubarb.  You get the point!  If Mrs. Meyers makes it, chances are you can too!  Or, just pick what is on sale.  Even better, grab what is on the verge of going bad in your kitchen.  Better than that, the scraps from the food you are using elsewhere in the kitchen.

Ok, you get the point.  This is versatile and easy.  You may call it a lot of bang for your buck.  Two birds, one stone.  Reduce, Reuse Recycle.  Honestly, I just call it simmer pot!

Grapefruit, Lemon and Moro Orange Rinds

Moro Oranges, Lemon, Grapefruit, Oranges

For this simmer pot I used fruit that was on the verge of going bad and no longer edible {Moro Oranges and Lemons} and the rinds from citrus fruit {Oranges and Grapefruit} which I juice in my NutriBullet.

In a large pot, I added all of the rinds and filled it with water. Bring to a boil then reduce the heat to low-medium. 

As the pot reduces, add water and additional produce if you have any.

 Heat up your simmer pot any time during the day that your home needs a freshening scent.  Pots last about one week.  I recommend covering the pot with a lid when not in use.   
When disposing of the reduction send it down the disposal, a great way to clean the garbage disposal.

1 comment:

  1. Love this!!!! Great idea. Although, my addiction to Bath & Body Works candles keeps my house smelling nice haha.
