Friday, July 31, 2015
As an active online dater the process of swiping, liking and happy houring can be exhausting; I field through a lot of crazy messages, participate in a good amount of small talk and have kissed a few frogs... and lawyers, engineers and accountants. I have met some really amazing people through this - one of my closest friends - and experienced a bit of heartache. But through it all I have become more and more sure of one thing: I am pretty darn sparkly!
Okay... enough with the pinterest affirmations! Onto the good stuff!!!!
I LOVE gnocchi. Summer Gnocchi with corn and zucchini is speaking to me!
Beautiful and efficient approach to face masks.
FRIED provolone?!?! In a tomato sandwich? Deb is a goddess.
My friend Oliva told my to check out this documentary. Tig Nataro is a badass!
Coconut water popsicles. With gummy bears! Get outta town!
My fantasy man.
Ashley Madison, not the next Bachelorette.
It is 100 degrees right now, but come October I will be a regular at Broth Bar!
What are you loving these days? Any links to share? I would love to know!